
turn your ideas into a reality using our engineering and manufacturing expertise.

computer-aided design

Our engineers are proficient in several computer-aided design software packages and have a wide range of specialties to take any idea and bring it into 3D space.

Tools: Solidworks, Fusion 360, Autodesk Suite, Siemens NX

Design for manufacturing

Design for manufacturability is critical to taking an idea and bringing it into reality in an economical fashion. Use our vast manufacturing experience to inform your design. We believe that form follows function without compromising the product’s aesthetic appeal.

We work with you to continue to refine your design to converge on a solution that can be manufactured in an efficient manner.

Analysis & testing

We can perform structural analysis on your design both in 3D computer space and through practical testing of the components or product.

Tools: ANSYS, Fusion 360, proof loading, pressure testing, shock testing, accelerated life cycle testing

computer rendering

Rendering your design can be a very powerful tool to allow you to see what the product will look like before committing more capital towards fabricating a physical prototype. Our team can render your design so that it is photo-realistic, quickly, and cost-effectively so you can share it with your team and provide feedback on material choice, appearance, and general aesthetics.

Tools: Fusion360, Photoshop

